It's been some time since I've posted as the fish are mostly at the bottom. They don't come to the top for food much any more but once in a while some do. It rained for a couple of days and that was enough to fill the whole pond all the way back up to the very brim!
The water is still very clear but with the fallen leaves on the bottom you have a dark background which would make it impossible for fish photos. Not only that but if you've ever had a bird feeder you know that when you get a few dead leaves in the feeder they will color the water quickly like a tea bag. So the water is clear but tea colored.
The sun is out today and I'll go out in a bit and try to feed. I'll get a few bass in and they'll eat a little bit.
My three pond snakes, Brownie, Hotdog and Smiling Sally Slither, are gone for now. I haven't seen any of them in quite a while and I may not until Spring. It was always fun to watch them swim across the pond with their large fan club of bass following behind them. Those poor bass were just wishing and hoping those snakes would shrink down to eating size I guess. Bass are just fascinated with the snakes and the snakes keep those bass entertained for hours. I think those snakes must have come from a neighbor's pond that is all fished out as no baby snakes last an instant in mine. I'd like to plug a fishing lure here but wouldn't - not without the maker's permission. I may write to him one day and ask - I've sent a couple of my little funny video clips to his webpage and he has them up. You know I have found my little video clips in a ton of places on the web I NEVER put them. I guess that's how the internet is. I don't plug anything on my little blog but this one I would. I'd NEVER let anyone use it in MY pond because I don't want MY bass caught lol!!! I know my bass would gobble it up.
I'm not friendly with those neighbors and don't even know their names but went to check on one of their dogs one day that had been hit in the road. One of the man's grown sons was fishing and started talking to me and hinting about fishing in my pond because there weren't any fish in theirs. He went on to say how the whole extended family used to fish their pond "all the time" and always had a pretty good time but now there just aren't any fish.
Well DUH! He sure isn't going to fish all mine out! I told him I stock mine and he said he knew that and that he thought that's why it would be a really great place to fish.... SHEESH! I DON'T THINK SO! They have a nice pond over there and just won't care for it. I don't want them coming and ruining mine too! We don't allow people in to fish the pond normally. There are a few friends but we watch what is taken out and only certain thing are allowed to even be fished.
That's just the way it is. No one is going to fish for my pets. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

They turkey hunted in the morning (successfully) and when they came in before noon my hubby's pal (pictured) went with me to the pond and caught some of the fish out for me. As you can see in these photos he was pretty pleased with the size and amount of nice bluegill he was able to catch! He caught quite a few over 9" Oh, you can click on the photos to enlarge them. I can catch them but I don't want to clean them. I get more of a kick out of seeing other people catch anyway! I scream regardless!

He needs to come back and fish more as I know he really didn't make much of a dent. I think I need about 50 more that size removed...
For all I know maybe a whole lot more than that. Just not the ones I have named....
Dennis was real, real good at fishing and if it bit, which in my pond it's pretty likely, then he caught it pretty much everytime.
I'm not that good and lose a lot. He flicks that rod and he's got them. He's been practicing....
I'd say he had a pretty good day - successful turkey hunt then a successful fishing trip.
We had turkey pot pie (home made crust of course) and fried bluegill and hushpuppies for dinner. Then we all died like bloated ticks.
The turkey and deer don't have any of that awful wild taste around here that you get in so many place. I don't know why for sure but I'm guessing it's because they are eating soybeans, corn, and other crops instead of just wild forest things. Just a guess but I know they are good to eat. I won't eat wild game if it even has a hint of that gamey taste. I don't have to soak or process or do anything differently with the wild meat here than I have to do with a steak from the grocery. Well... maybe pull a few pieces of shot and feathers out of the turkey meat...
One more thing for today. We have quite a few of the beautiful smokey grey colored turkey on our property here. They are so pretty! I just call them white and I have photos that I may post another time.