Besides commercial fish food and bread this is what was on the menu today. I wanted to show you how big the worms are that I fed ole Meanandlean yesterday. The plastic container on the bottom is nine inches long and as you can see some of the worms are longer than that and curling up and are trying to escape (they didn't). I've seen them bigger that that even here in my yard. I cut up the hotdogs in that container differently today and tried to cut them in worm looking strips to disguise them in hopes that I could train Meanandlean to eat them. I hoped that if I mix all that together then the worm smell might get on the hotdogs and vice-versa and perhaps I can ease him into taking other foods. The other meat in there is wild turkey cut into worm sized strips also marinating in wormy goo. Nice... All that work and old Meanandlean didn't even show up. I suppose he's still full from his huge meal of about twenty worms yesterday and I wonder how long it's going to take him to digest all those worms? I bet they weighed a pound or more - he's probably sick. I don't have any worms for tomorrow so I'll either have to dig some or just try to cut hotdog strips and hope for the best but I'll probably dig a few at least.
There were quite a few bass that showed today but the larger bluegill are still hanging back so I'm not going to allow fishing on that end of the pond anymore and I'm not allowing bass fishing at all. I didn't think Hotdog the snake was there but as soon as I started feeding he appeared at the cement blocks and started fishing. Those blocks seem to be his little home he's picked out.
I watched him for a couple of hours at least and he never even caught one little fish. Sad little snake. I'd like to catch a fish for him but I don't know how I'd get it down the bank to him. If I had it on a hook I'm afraid I'd catch a snake... I have some pincher things but they aren't long enough to reach down there. I just can't think of a way...
I got a pretty good photo of Chickenlipsfish and I have been told that he isn't a bluegill after all but a rogue Redear sunfish. Hmmmm, a rogue. What's an ole rogue doing in my pond? He's a cute fish anyway and one day may end up in the little girl's pond across the street as he's her favorite fish and she's my favorite little girl so she can have him. He's maybe around seven inches long or so, not very big, and kinda pudgy. I think he kinda looks like some kind of goldfish. He seems to play well with everyone so I don't know why he can't go in her pond.
One turtle showed up and although he didn't come real near didn't pay much attention to me either. I was wearing a yellow top. We'll see what they think tomorrow... It's supposed to be sunny - hope the pond is clear!